viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

Blue jeans
White shirt
Walked into the room, you know you made my eyes burn
It was like, James Dean - for sure
You so fresh to death and sick as ca-cancer
You were sorta punk rock, I grew up on hip hop
But you fit me better than my favourite sweater - and I know
That love is mean, and love hurts
But I still remember that day we met in december - oh baby!

I will love you till the end of time
I would wait a milion years
Promise you'll remember that you're mine
Baby can you see through the tears
Love you more
Than those bitches before
Say you'll remember - oh baby - say you'll remember
I will love you till the end of time

Big dreams
Said you had to leave to start your life over
I was like "No Please" stay here
We don't need no money we can make it all work
But he headed out on sunday, said he'd come home monday
I stayed up waiting, anticipating and pacing but he was
Chasing paper
Caught up in the game - that was the last I heard

I will love you till the end of time
I would wait a milion years
Promise you'll remember that you're mine
Baby can you see through the tears
Love you more
Than those bitches before
Say you'll remember - oh baby - say you'll remember
I will love you till the end of time

He went out every night
And baby that's alright
I told you that no matter what you did I'd be by your side
Cause I'm a ride or die
Whether you fail or fly
Well shit, at least you tried.
But when you walked out that door - a piece of me died
I told you I wanted more - but that's not what I had in mind
I just want it like before
We were dancing all night
Then they took you away - stole you out of my life
You just need to remember

I will love you till the end of time
I would wait a milion years
Promise you'll remember that you're mine
Baby can you see through the tears
Love you more
Than those bitches before
Say you'll remember - oh baby - say you'll remember
I will love you till the end of time

Laputamadre no puede ser que sea tal cual asi, tal cual, no se que tengo que pensar, si asustarme por que esta cancion es tal cual a mi o pensar que patetica que soy por que al parecer a todos nos pasa lo mismo? Por que lloro por algo que no lo vale? No se, me lo vengo preguntando hace mucho tiempo no me quisiste ninguna de las veces que pudiste y tuviste la oportunidad que vos mismo creaste por impulso e inconsciente. Simplemente por estar tan cegado en vos mismo y en tu terquedad de que cuando las cosas son asi son asi como vos decis, cuando tranquilamente podrian no serlo, por ser tan cagon te va a caber, solo espero que la vida de vuelta las fichas y sea yo la que diga no, solo eso quiero pase el tiempo que tenga que pasar quiero saber que voy a poder contar con el dia que yo te diga que no, y para pascuas te regale los huevos que te hicieron falta cuando los tendrias que haber tenido, capaz simplemente mentias al decirme todas esas cosas las cuales justificaban tu no, no se. Quiero simplemente creer que somos dos personas que hicieron cosas en el momento equivocado, por que no creo que nos hayamos conocido en el momento equivocado..... o si?